Monday, April 30, 2012

Live Below the Line Campaign

Most of the time BzzAgent gives us campaigns that give us something for free to try out but occasionally we are invited to participate in campaigns that either try to make people more aware of problems in society or to help those that are less fortunate.  Both my fiance and I were invited to BzzAgent's Live Below the Line Campaign and we're determined to give it our best shot. 

This campaign is a charity campaign so we don't get a kit.  Instead we are encourage to spread the word to everyone we know about world wide hunger and extreme poverty.  We are challenged to eat and drink each day for 5 days on $1.50 or less a day.  Not only that but we are invited to join a participating charity to gain donations to combat poverty.  Some of these organizations include:
  • Shot at Life
  • The Global Poverty Project
  • CARE
  • Global Syndicate
  • Malaria No More
  • Rainforest Foundation US
Each of these non-profit organizations try their best to provide goods and services as well as training to those that need it in order to help people provide for their families.  So I strongly encourage each and every one of you who reads this to join in and show your support for these activities.  For more information on these partners go to

Also you can

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